The eyelids can become inflamed and become infected which causes swelling or bumps. When experiencing bumps in the eyelid, you will certainly feel disturbed, both in terms of appearance and comfort. Human eyelids have oil glands located on the inside and outside of the eyelids. The outer oil glands are associated with eyelashes that attach to the eyelids. The oil produced by these glands helps to moisturize the eyes and keep the tears in the eyeball region. However, oil glands in the eye can become infected and become blocked. This condition causes inflammation in the eye. Inflammation can occur on the inside or outside, depending on the oil gland that is in trouble. Causes of appearance of pimps on the eyelid Nipple is generally caused by a disruption in the oil gland channel and bacterial infection. People who suffer from diabetes, inflammation of the eyelids, or abnormalities in the oil glands are more prone to having stints. Excessive levels of fat in the blood can also incre...